Saturday 8 February 2014

satinhands: plankt0n: lost-moonlight: Imagine though when you find your soul mate and the happens this is one of the most beautiful gifs I’ve seen. No but imagine the school jock and the nerd he beats up every day finally run into each other in the locker room or at a pool or something and their chest start glowing and they both look at each other and just go “Oh fuck no.” #love

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satinhands: plankt0n: lost-moonlight: Imagine though when you find your soul mate and the happens this is one of the most beautiful gifs I’ve seen. No but imagine the school jock and the nerd he beats up every day finally run into each other in the locker room or at a pool or something and their chest start glowing and they both look at each other and just go “Oh fuck no.” #love

satinhands: plankt0n: lost-moonlight: Imagine though when you find your soul mate and the happens this is one of the most beautiful gifs I’ve seen. No but imagine the school jock and the nerd he beats up every day finally run into each other in the locker room or at a pool or something and their chest start glowing and they both look at each other and just go “Oh fuck no.” #love from my tumblr blog

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